Janet Fielding

Janet Fielding

Doctor Who

Janet Fielding she made her UK TV debut in the Hammer House of Horror episode “Charlie Boy”, which aired in October 1980 as it was announced she had been cast as the next Doctor Who companion. She got the Doctor Who companion role after a number of interviews and auditions.

Between 1981 and 1984, Fielding played the part of Tegan Jovanka, a companion of the Fourth Doctor (played by Tom Baker), and the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison). She made a guest appearance on Jim’ll Fix It in a Doctor Who-related sketch alongside Colin Baker‘s Doctor in 1985 (A Fix with Sontarans). She played Mel during Sylvester McCoy‘s audition for the part of the Seventh Doctor. In 1984 she had a role in the ITV children’s drama Murphy’s Mob, followed in 1985 with a part in Hold The Back Page.

In 1991, Fielding gave up acting to take up an administrative position with Women in Film and Television UK. While she maintained the administrative position for only three and a half years, she continued with the group afterwards, managing the Skillset study on successful women in television in 2009. During that time, Fielding worked as a theatrical agent, at one point representing Paul McGann when he took the role of the Eighth Doctor.

She returned to acting and the role of Tegan for Big Finish Productions audio plays including The Gathering (2006),Cobwebs and The Cradle of the Snake (2010) alongside Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. She has confirmed that she will continue to appear as Tegan in future audio stories. Fielding has also provided audio commentaries for several DVD releases of Tegan’s Doctor Who stories and appeared in DVD extras for Frontier in Space and Planet of the Daleks, stories in which she did not appear, where she provided critiques on the portrayal of female characters in the serials.

Fielding has worked as the head of finance for a charity. She is Project Co-ordinator for Project MotorHouse, a charity based in Ramsgate, UK, which aims to modernise the old motor museum into a multi-use venue featuring offices, bars, a restaurant, a café and cinemas, where local youths will have a chance to learn from successful businesses.

In August 2013, Fielding contributed to the one-off special show Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor in an interview segment with other companions and Doctors, and she appeared in the 50th-anniversary comedy homage The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot.

Fielding is set to reprise the role of Tegan in the upcoming Doctor Who BBC centenary special alongside Sophie Aldred as Ace.

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