Townsend Coleman is best known for his voiceover work on countless animated television series, his best known being the character Michelangelo from the popular animated program “Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles.” Coleman first entered show business as a disc jockey working for WGCL-FM in Cleveland during the late 1970s, and also appeared in several theatre productions during this time. By the mid 1980s, Coleman had entered the world of voiceover work, landing the role of Corporal Caperman on the popular children’s cartoon “Inspector Gadget.” Further work on animated series would come Coleman’s way soon after, including a 21 episode stint as the lead character on “Teen Wolf” (an adaptation of the popular Michael J. Fox film of the same name), from 1986 through 1988. But it would be as part of the aforementioned hit “Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles” that Coleman would score his breakthrough role, appearing in over 100 episodes of the show from 1987 through 1996. (He did not perform Michelangelo’s voice in the early 1990s hit films, however; noted voiceover actor Robbie Rist took over the character on the big screen.) In the 1990s, Coleman began playing the title character in the cult-favorite animated hit “The Tick,” and continues his voiceover work in the early 21st century. In addition, he is the voice of NBC, providing the narration of the network’s promos.