Pensacon welcomes members of the community to conduct discussion panels, workshops, and special activities.

Panels can be single-person presentations or multi-person discussions on a topic relevant to Pensacon and may take audience questions at the discretion of the moderator or presenter.

Workshops teach skills to our attendees. They are not discussion panels with an audience, but rather interactive training sessions or classes.

Special activities include demonstrations, film and video screenings, games, and other events that do not fall under the categories of panels or workshops. For performances such as musical acts or theatrical shows, click here.

Programming is scheduled by track with the following themes:

  • Artist (discussion of the artistic process or profession of being an artist)*
  • Audience Participation (i.e. karaoke)
  • Comic Books (discussion of comic books from a fan perspective)
  • Cosplay
  • Film or Video Screening
  • Game or Game  Show
  • Movies and TV Shows
  • Pop Culture
  • Production and Performing Arts
  • Prop, Set Building, and Special Effects
  • Science and Technology
  • Writing*

*Please note that Pensacon guests and exhibitors are given first priority for artist and writing panels. If we have openings in our schedule, we will then consider panels from the community on these topics.

Please read the following rules thoroughly:

  1. This application does not guarantee acceptance into Pensacon. Due to limited space, the number of applications, and topics submitted, we may be unable to schedule all submissions.
  2. The person submitting this application will be considered the Responsible Individual for the panel, workshop, or special activity and will act as signatory for any necessary paperwork; disseminate information to participants; act as point of contact between participants and Pensacon staff; pick up passes to deliver to participants as necessary; and ensure the proper equipment and technology required for the needs of the event is provided by either participants or by coordinating with Pensacon. It is understood that the Responsible Individual will assemble participants as necessary (all community panels are self-moderated and Pensacon will not provide a moderator except for certain circumstances as approved by Pensacon staff).
  3. For panels, Pensacon will provide in each room a table with seating for four (5) panelists, including the person moderating the panel (not provided by Pensacon); microphones with table top stands; PA and speakers; a projector and screen; and audience seating appropriate for each room allowing for social distancing. Panelists may be responsible for certain items, such as laptop computers, adapters and appropriate cables, dry erase markers, or items specific to your particular panel. Special items, such as dry erase boards, easels, or technology not previously stated must be requested no later than January 27, 2025. Pensacon reserves the right to deny requests for special items.
  4. For workshops, Pensacon will provide in each room worktables and chairs as needed. If a projector and screen is required, the responsible individual will need to coordinate with Pensacon staff. Workshop instructors may be responsible for certain items, such as laptop computers, adapters and appropriate cables, dry erase markers, or materials specific to your particular workshop. Special items, such as dry erase boards, easels, or technology not previously stated must be requested no later than January 27, 2025. Pensacon reserves the right to deny requests for special items. Attendance in workshops will be limited to allow for social distancing. Limit the number of workshop instructors to four (4).
  5. For special activities, Pensacon will provide a venue appropriate for the activity. If you have certain requirements for the type of venue (i.e. needs to be held in a theater or on a stage, or must take place in an open-air environment), state that in the Additional Info field on the application. Special items or equipment must be requested no later than January 27, 2025. Pensacon reserves the right to deny requests for special items. Activities that will take place in panel rooms, such as games, limit participants to four (4). If you have more than four (4) people participating in your event that takes place outside of panel rooms (such as demonstrations), you may provide the full list of participants to Pensacon no later than January 27, 2025. Pensacon has the right to cap the number of participants of any particular event at its discretion.
  6. Pensacon will do its best to schedule your panel, workshop, or special activity according to your needs, such as avoiding conflicts with another panel or activity, but various factors may make it unable for us do to so. Be prepared to conduct your event on any of the three days of Pensacon. Scheduling is at the discretion of Pensacon staff.
  7. All panels, unless otherwise noted, will be 45 minutes in length and a 10-minute transition period will be scheduled between panels unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
  8. Workshops and special activities can be of varying length. Please specify the time needed to properly conduct the event as well as necessary setup and tear-down time. If your event can be run at multiple times throughout the weekend, please indicate as such instead of filling out multiple applications.
  9. Panelists are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the panel to set up and to arrive with all necessary supplies and equipment not provided by Pensacon. Participants in workshops and special activities are expected to arrive in the appropriate amount of time prior to the panel to set up and to arrive with all necessary supplies and equipment not provided by Pensacon.
  10. Posted panel schedule and venues are subject to change.  Pensacon will do its best to notify you of any changes as soon as possible.
  11. Each participant conducting either one or two panels, workshops, or special activities will be provided with a Pensacon day pass only for the day(s) scheduled and will receive only one wrist band per day.  Participants conducting a minimum of three events will be provided with a three-day pass regardless of which days they are scheduled. Each panelist will be responsible to pick up his or her own pass, unless otherwise pre-arrangedMore information will be provided upon acceptance. Be sure passes are picked up in plenty of time prior to the panel starting so all panelists arrive on time. Date, times, and location of early pass pickup will be provided closer to Pensacon. (NOTE: If you receive a volunteer, media, exhibitor, or other complimentary badge from Pensacon, you will NOT be provided with duplicate badges; you will be given one badge from the highest applicable category.)
  12. Upon receipt of your day wrist band or three-day pass, you are expected to conduct your panel as scheduled. Any panelist who accepts a pass but does not fulfill the stated commitment to Pensacon will be responsible for the at-the-door price of the pass provided and will be banned from volunteering at any future show.
  13. Panelists and workshop instructors must be 18 years old or older. Participants in certain special activities may be under 18, but must be under the supervision of adults and arranged ahead of time with Pensacon staff.
  14. Panels and workshops will be grouped together by theme or “track.” Special activities will be listed by type (i.e. demonstration or game). When possible, each track for panels will take place at a specific venue, which may or may not include the Bay Center, Pensacola Little Theatre, UWF Historic Trust venues, and other locations around downtown Pensacola. All workshops will take place at a specific venue TBD in downtown Pensacola unless otherwise arranged by Pensacon staff due to extenuating circumstances or special needs.
  15. Unless otherwise arranged, Pensacon is looking for original content. If you have conducted a particular topic previously at Pensacon or any other conventions in the Gulf Coast region, we encourage you to be creative and develop new and exciting ideas for programming.
  16. Pensacon prefers content appropriate for all audiences but understands that certain topics should be reserved for a mature audience.  Illegal activity (or the promotion of such) is not allowed.  If your content involves strong language, sexuality, or depictions of violence and/or disturbing images (such as video clips or makeup effects), this must be stated on the application. It is the responsibility of the panelists to warn the audience at the beginning of the panel of such content.
  17. Panels, workshops, and special activities are open for all Pensacon attendees with a VIP pass, 3-day pass, or day pass for the day of the event and may not charge additional admission fees. However, materials fees may be charged to recoup out-of-pocket expenses for workshops. All materials fees must be stated clearly in the Additional Info field in the application.
  18. Due to limitations with venues where events take place, parking is NOT guaranteed for participants. It is suggested to plan ahead for what will be the most efficient and convenient place for you to park. If you have special needs for parking or need to unload gear prior to the event, contact Pensacon staff ahead of time to make appropriate arrangements.
  19. Participation in panels, workshops, and special events is on a voluntary basis only and panelists are responsible for their own transportation and lodging.
  20. Pensacon retains the right to refuse to schedule or to cancel a panel, workshop, or special activity at any time.
  21. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, audience attendance may be limited. Certain COVID safety procedures will be followed and may be revised based on recommendations by the CDC. Social distancing is encouraged. Hand sanitizing stations will be available at all venues. Volunteers will sanitize microphones and tables between each event.
  22. All participants are expected to comply with Pensacon’s Statement of Values.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Choose if this is a panel, workshop, or special activity.
Contact Name
Contact Address (for informational purposes only)
Choose the track(s) that best describes your Panel, Workshop, or Special Activity. *Artist and Writing panels are given first priority to Pensacon guests and exhibitors. If space is available, we will open these up to members of the community.
Participant 1 Name
List yourself if you are participating in the panel, workshop, or special activity.
Participant 2 Name
Participant 3 Name
Participant 4 Name
More than 4 participants
Please confirm:
Do you need a projector?
Specify hours and minutes.
Multiple Times
How much each will attendee be charged to cover cost of materials? If none, write 0.
Is this workshop meant to be exclusively for children?
Explain what content may require parental guidance.
If you have a link to show an example of a panel, workshop, or special activity you have run, list it here.